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Est. 2006. Spring 2022 is our 17th Season!

Alexander Graham Girls Lacrosse


Who we are: The  A.G. Middle School Lacrosse Program was formed in 2006, operates as a Club and is run by a Board consisting of several parents of current/past players.  We are one of the oldest and most successful girls middle school programs in the region.  We are a feeder team to Myers Park High School and are made up of 6-8th grade girls.  Our goal is to help our players grow on and off the field, by developing and refining their skills, improving their knowledge of the game, and by focusing on critical core values such as: team work, commitment, competition, hustle, hard work, tenacity, accountability, enthusiasm and love for the game. Our program welcomes all players regardless of experience or skill level and currently consists of two teams: the Red Team and White Team.  The White Team is our developmental team comprised of 6th & 7th graders.  The Red Team consists of experienced 7th and 8th graders.  

Eligibility: Girls who attend A.G. and maintain CMS academic requirements are eligible to play for the club.   Please email us with any questions you may have about participating with the club.

Registration: Online Registration usually opens in January.

Season: The Spring season usually starts in early/mid-February and ends in early to mid-May.

Tryouts:  Tryouts are necessary to determine team placement.  Our preference is to not have cuts, but numbers sometimes make that necessary.  If we anticipate that cuts will have to be made, we will let all players and parents know ahead of time as well as what to expect at tryouts. 

Practices:  Practices are typically 2-3 times a week for the White Team (historically, T-TH-F) and 3-4 times a week for the Red Team (historically, M-W-F), depending on the game schedule.  

Practice Location: 
The Pit - next to AG (along Runnymede)

Practice Times: 4:00- 5:30p.m.

Games: Games are played on both weekdays and weekends. Home games are played at the Matthews Sportsplex, usually starting between 5-6:30pm. Away games are at the respective opponent's game site. We do our best to schedule weekday games (either home or away) on Tuesdays and/or Thursdays for the Red Team and on Mondays and/or Wednesdays for the White Team. Both teams should anticipate a number of Saturday games as well as the occasional Sunday game or two. The Spring 2021 season schedule is currently under development.

Required Player Gear: Girl's Lacrosse Stick, Lacrosse Goggles, (formed) Mouth Guard, Cleats and, for Spring 2021, a mask. Lacrosse gloves are optional.

Uniforms & Team Gear:  Team uniforms are included with team dues.  Each player will receive a home and away uniform, including a jersey & kilt.  Game uniform jerseys & kilts must be returned at the end of season. Players are asked to wear black, red or white socks for games. Practice pinnies will also be given out and are the players to keep. We have also typically provided our players an item of team gear each season and look to keep that tradition going.

Goalies:  We are looking for athletes with great agility, hand-eye coordination, reaction time & footwork to play this critically important position.   

Off Season: In addition to the regular Spring season, there may be other programs offered such as Summer Ball, Fall Ball, Winter Ball and Clinics. Look for updates on such offerings here, via our email distribution list and on our Instagram account.

What next?  We are also ALWAYS looking for interested new players; please help us spread the word to grow our program.  If you would like to receive all the latest information as it becomes available, please contact us and include your daughter's name and your preferred email address. 

Please follow us on Instagram for additional information. 

Contact Us

AG Girls Lacrosse

Alexander Graham Middle School, 1800 Runnymede Ln
Charlotte, North Carolina 28211

Email Us: [email protected]
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