perusing my Facebook feed, I came across a video of Russian youth
hockey athletes’ off-ice training program. Social media provides the
opportunity to stay connected, but it can also feed into the desire to
be certain your kids are keeping up with the Jones' (and the Russians).
My concern after viewing the video was how many parents will watch this
and think "I need to get my kid training like this" or "my kid already
has a training program more intense than this". The reason for my
concern: the athletes were 8 years old. While some components of the
training were applicable to the young athletes in the video, many of the
drills were performed incorrectly and there did not appear to be a
coach anywhere in sight (we'll assume the coach was filming).
Our program prefers to wait until an athlete reaches middle school to
start training. A training regimen for middle school athletes consists
of elements designed to improve performance while simultaneously
building a foundation for high school training. This formula will
continue in high school as the athletes prepare for collegiate
The middle school athletes in our program focus on speed development
(a major component is correcting mechanical flaws reducing the
efficiency of the athlete), change of direction, coordination and
strength. The strength training program consists of body weight
resistance (utilizing TRX, push-ups, squats and exercises for core
strength). Before continuing, it is appropriate to define the word
"core" which has become a synonym for abdominal training. While these
muscles are part of the athlete’s core, our coaches address the core as
the muscles posteriorly and anteriorly between the base of the sternum
and the top of the knee cap. As stated previously the goal is building a
foundation for the athlete meaning core strength is imperative.
The youth hockey athletes were performing a number of simple and
complex movements, some displayed proficiency and others demonstrated
the need for training regressions to build towards proficiency. These
regressions are needed due to a variety of reasons, including
insufficient core strength, coordination and lack of understanding
proper mechanics to execute the drill.
The proper design and implementation of a program suited to the
athlete’s abilities will lead to improved performance. An overlooked
component of success is the athlete’s interest and desire to train. If
the athlete lacks the desire to attend or understanding of why they are
training the chances for success significantly decrease. My personal
experience with this scenario involved a middle school athlete who
attended a couple training sessions and abruptly stopped. This athlete
had an amazing high school and collegiate lacrosse career and returned
to train with me to prepare for Major League Lacrosse. I would often
joke (harass may be a better description) about how we could have fixed
this or that when he was in middle school. The fact is he wasn't ready
for formal training in middle school and had no understanding why he was
there or what the sessions would accomplish.
Parents often ask when their athletes should begin training. Here is
a check list to gauge interest, readiness and appropriateness:
- The athlete expresses an interest and desire to train.
- The program should be designed and implemented by certified strength and conditioning coaches.
- The program is built on short and long term athletic development
- Training frequency is determined by total amount of athlete activity
(we recommend our middle school athletes attend no more than two
sessions per week).
Jay Dyer of MedStar Sports Medicine and JDyer
Strength and Conditioning is the strength and conditioning coach for the
U.S. National Teams Program. He can be reached via email at [email protected], and you can follow him on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.